Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Indian, Antarctic.
There are five names for a gigantic body of water that occupies more than 70% of the Earth's surface, a unique organism called Ocean. Blue, green or cloudy, with warm or cold waters, the Ocean plays an important role on our planet, being home to an immense diversity of life and ecosystems.
In addition to exerting an important influence on the climate, it allows the Earth to be habitable and for humanity to exist. We're only here because there's water – and about 97% of the entire hydrosphere is in the sea.
What we know about him is almost nothing. There's a lot to discover. Few have had the chance to brave its deepest waters, which surpass Mount Everest in size - after all, talking about the Ocean means dealing with large scales.
What we know about him is almost nothing. There's a lot to discover. Few have had the chance to brave its deepest waters, which surpass Mount Everest in size - after all, talking about the Ocean means dealing with large scales.
Though vast, it is finite and its resources are limited. We are strongly interconnected to the seas and what comes out of their waters (fish for the subsistence of families and international trade, pharmaceuticals, oil and gases), but are we caring about their conservation? We disconnect from nature in such a way that we forget that we are part of - and not apart from - it.
Degradation of coastal and marine environments, garbage, excess plastics, pollution and disorderly tourism are some of the main problems around the world. The most serious of these is also our responsibility: increasingly high emissions of greenhouse gases, which accelerate climate change and threaten marine life (and ours).
Is it possible to solve all this? Yes, and the solutions already exist, and we humans are the main one. In line with the United Nations (UN) that declared the period between 2021 and 2030 as the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, the exhibition "Oceano Sem Fronteiras" sheds light on the need to promote global awareness about the threats to the Ocean, and presents science and education as assertive actions for the sustainable use of marine resources, thus maintaining their ecosystems and biodiversity.
• Concept designer
• Art and Technology director
• Technical producer